Community Corner

African Acrobats International Coming to Quassy

Thrilling outdoor show will run through much of the summer.

The African Acrobats International take the stage July 2 through Aug. 12 at the Carousel Theatre at Quassy Amusement Park.

Billed as “a cultural phenomenon” with elements of African dance and music, the outdoor shows will consist of a variety of elements including human pyramids, chair stacking and rope jumping, guaranteed to thrill youngsters and adults.

The African Acrobats have toured extensively around the world and were recently a featured act with The Big Apple Circus.

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The high-energy, 20-minute shows will be presented at 1, 3 and 5 p.m. Sunday through Thursday with 1, 3, 5 and 7 p.m. performances on Friday and Saturday. In addition, the five acrobats will present a street parade at 6:45 p.m. Friday and Saturday during their Quassy appearance.

Guests spending a day at the park will see different elements incorporated into each live performance.

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The African Acrobats International are being presented by TD Bank, Price Chopper, West Chevrolet, Gibraltar Pools and AT&T The Real Yellow Pages.

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